
Bala Vihar

Bala Vihar is a weekly gathering of children, between the ages of five to fifteen years that takes place in Chinmaya Mission Centres, under the supervision of trained teachers. The aim of Bala Vihar is to help children bloom, grow, and inculcate values through fun-filled activities. Bala Vihar enhances the overall development of the personality of a child at all levels — physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual.

Adult Study Group

To sustain the inspiration of these sincere seekers, Swami Chinmayananda formulated and began Chinmaya Study Groups with a systematic syllabus that took into careful consideration the spare time of the average householder, a student’s typical attention span, and the appropriate level and order of texts to be studied. The course of study was designed so that even a beginner in scriptural studies could follow the curriculum without feeling overwhelmed.